African Studies

The Center for African Studies Prof. Eyamba Bokamba Graduate Scholarship supports research, tuition, conference expenses and other professional development travel expenses for advanced MA and PhD students. 

The Center for African Studies Eric P. Whitaker Fund offers undergraduate students a one-year, $2,000 tuition scholarship.

Brazilian Studies

The Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies offers both faculty and graduate student research grants.

The Collaborative Research Grant supports team research including faculty from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and institutions in Brazil.

 The Faculty Research Grant supports individual faculty research in Brazil. 

The Lemann/FAPESP Research Grant provides funding for the initial phase of research collaboration between University of Illinois faculty and faculty from universities and public research institutions in São Paulo, jointly funded by the Lemann Center and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).

The Lemann Center Graduate Fellowship supports research in Brazil, in any discipline, during the academic year or summer.

The Werner Baer Doctoral Fellowship supports research on Brazil in the social sciences. 

East Asian and Pacific Studies

The Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies offers a Faculty Conference Travel Grant open to affiliated faculty to conduct either conference or research travel in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the greater Pacific region, as well as a Graduate Student Travel Grant supporting research or conference travel.

Global Studies

The Center for Global Studies offers the Global Intersections grant to support multicultural, international, transnational, and global perspectives in student research.

It also hosts the International Studies Research Lab (ISRL) that supports research using U of I International and Area Studies Libraries by faculty, staff, librarians, and administrators at a 2-year college or 4-year university designated as a minority-serving institution (MSI).

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

The University of Illinois System and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) have established a joint seed research grants program for one year, starting with the academic year 2024-25. Click here to read more

Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

The Open Research Laboratory provides research support for graduate and post-graduate level research on Central and East Europe and the Independent States of the former Soviet Union.

REEEC and Summer Research Laboratory will work to support scholars this summer through both in-person and virtual programming, research assistance, professional development opportunities, and collections and database access.