Below, please find the upcoming course offerings for IGI area and global studies centers.


Spring 2025

Center for African Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies

For a list of highlighted courses, click here.

Center for Global Studies

For a list of highlighted courses, click here.

Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies

For a list of faculty-led courses and study abroad, click here.

Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

LAS Global Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center

For a list of courses with REEEC content, click here.

Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Program

For a list of courses, click here.

Fall 2024

Center for East Asian & Pacific Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies

LAST 170: Que Pasa in Latin America? Cultures, Histories and Politics South of the Rio Grande

LAST 210: Life in the Andes

Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center

For a list of select Courses in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, click here.

Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

European Union Center

For a list of courses, click here.

LAS Global Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Spring 2024

Center for African Studies

For a  list of courses, click here.

Center for Latin America & Caribbean Studies

For a  list of courses, click here.

Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

LAS Global Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Russia, East Europe, and Eurasian Center

Select Courses in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Note: The courses listed are not an exhaustive list of courses being offered on the REEE region. Please see course explorer for additional classes.

*Check with Advisor or FLAS Coordinator whether the course will fulfill area studies course requirements.

Fall 2023

Center for African Studies

For a  list of courses, click here.

Center for Latin America & Caribbean Studies

For a  list of courses, click here.

Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

LAS Global Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Russia, East Europe, and Eurasian Center

Select Courses in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Note: The courses listed are not an exhaustive list of courses being offered on the REEE region. Please see course explorer for additional classes.

*Check with Advisor or FLAS Coordinator whether the course will fulfill area studies course requirements.

Spring 2023

UKR 113: Ukranian Culture

Center for African Studies

ACE 251: The Word Food Economy Global

ACES 293: International Internship

AFRO 100: Introduction to African American Studies

AFRO 101: Black America, 1619-Present

AFRO 276: Afro-American History Since 1877

AFRO 340: Dancing Black Popular Culture

AFST 199: Undergraduate Open Seminar

ANTH 103: Anthro in a Changing World

ANTH 105: World Archaeology

ANTH 209: Food, Culture, and Society

ANTH 210: Families in Global Perspectives

ANTH 230: Sociocultural Anthropology

ANTH 268: Images of the Other

ANTH 278: Climate Change & Civilization

ARAB 150: Language and Culture of the Arab World

ARTH 110: Introduction to History of Art and Visual Culture

ARTH 219: Islamic Gardens and Architecture

ARTH 299: African Atlantic History/Visual Culture

BADM 338: Global  Supply Chain Management

BADM 380: International Business

BADM 381: Multinational Management

BADM 382: International Marketing

CWL190: Moder Asian and African Literatures

CWL 223: The Qur'an (Koran)

CWL 259: Early African American Literature

CWL 260: Modern African American Literature

CWL 317: Francophone Worlds

DANC 270: Dancing in Community I & II

EIL 214: TESL in the Elementary School

EIL 215: TESL in the Secondary School

ENGL 259: Early African American Literature and Culture

ENGL 285: Postcolonial Literature in English

ENGL 301: Introduction to Critical Theory

ENGL 357: Literatures of the Displaced

ENGL 360: Environmental Writing

ESE 103: Earth's Physical Systems

ESE 117: The Oceans

ESE 118: Natural Disasters

ESE 140: Climate and Global Change

ESE 208: History of the Earth System

ESE 210: Social & Environmental Issues

ESE 287: Environment and Society

ESE 320: Water Planet, Water Crisis

GGIS 101: Global Development & Environment

GGIS 204: Cities of the World

GGIS 221: Geographies of Global Conflict

GLBL 100: Introduction to Global Studies

GLBL 240: Global Health

GLBL 250: Development

GLBL 260: Global Human Rights

GLBL 270: Introduction to Global Markets and Society

GLBL 298: Global Studies Seminar Abroad

GLBL 340: Global Health: Policy & Governance

GLBL 392: International Diplomacy and Negotiation

GLBL 357: Ethnic Conflict

GWS 100: Introduction to Gender & Women's Studies

GWS 215: US Citizenship Comparatively

GWS 316: Global Histories of Gender

GWS 350: Feminist and Gender Theory

GWS 380: Black Women History and Culture

HDFS 105: Introduction to Human Development

HDFS 379: HDFS Study Abroad Experience

HIST 100: Global History

HIST 112: History of Africa from 1800

HIST 142: Modern Europe and the World

HIST 211: History of Southern Africa

KIN 230: Diversity in Recreation, Sport, and Tourism

LAS 291: Global Perspectives for Intercultural Learning

LAS 292: Global Perspectives in Cross-Cultural Contexts

LAS 299: LAS Study Abroad

LER 200: Globalization and Workers

LING 100: Introduction to Language Science

LING 222: Language in Globalization

LING 250: American Voices: Linguistic Diversity in the US

MACS 262: Survey of World Cinema II

MACS 373: Special Topics if Film Studies

MUS 110: Introduction Art Mus: International Perspective

MUS 132: Popular Music Studies

MUS 133: Introduction to World Musci

PHIL 110: World Religions

PS 241: Comparative Politics in Developing Nations

PS 280: Introduction to International Relations

PS 355: Democratization

PS 358: Comparative Political Behavior

PS 392: International Organizations and Regionalism

PS 398: Strategic International Relations

SOC 223: Black Women in Contemporary US Society

SOC 325: Black Men and Masculinity

SOC 350: Technology and Society

SOC 355: Race and Mixed Race

SOC 364: Impacts of Globalization

UP 160: Race, Social Justice, and Cities

UP 260: Social Inequality and Planning

Center for Latin America & Caribbean Studies

ABE 232: Contextual Engineering

AIS 285: Indigenous Thinkers

ANTH 230: Advanced Intro to Sociocultural Anthropolgy

ANTH 399: Collaborative Methodololgies

ARTS 252: Making & Meaning: Crafting Identity

CHP 199: Immigration: A Global Phenomenon with Local Implications

GLBL 298: Heritage, Tourism, and Archaeology of the Incas

HIST 312: Immigrant America

LAST 170: Introduction to Latin America

LAST 210: Life in the Andes

LAST 395: Special Topics: Archaeology Field School Peru

LLS/MACS 250: Latinex Disney

PS 199: Human Rights, Politics, and Culture in Argentina

PS 355: Democratization

SPAN 308: Spanish in the US

SPAN 326: Sexo y Podor

SPAN 326: Health Professions US Latinx Communities

SPAN 395: Linguistic Communities and Social Justice

Russia, East Europe, and Eurasian Center

Select Courses in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

Note: The courses listed below are not an exhaustive list of courses being offered on the REEE region. Please see course explorer for additional classes.

*Check with Advisor or FLAS Coordinator whether the course will fulfill area studies course requirements.

GER 261/ CWL 273/ ENGL 269/ JS 261: The Holocaust in Context*

HIST 142/143 AP: Modern Europe and the World*

HIST 260: History of Russia

POL 115/REES 115: Intro to Polish Culture

REES 201: Introduction to Eastern Europe

RUSS 122: Russia and Black America

RUSS 225: Russian Lit and Revolution

SOC 366: Postsocialism Eastern Europe

TURK 270/ANTH 272/GLBL 272/SAME 272: Language and Culture in Turkey

Women & Gender in Global Perspectives

The courses below are part of the joint certificate in Global Health

GLBL 240: Global Health

GLBL 340: Global Health: Policy & Governance


Center for African Studies

For a  list of courses, click here.

Center for Latin America & Caribbean Studies

For a  list of courses, click here.

Center for South Asian & Middle Eastern Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

LAS Global Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Russia, East Europe, and Eurasian Center

Select Courses in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies

For a list of courses, click here.

Note: The courses listed are not an exhaustive list of courses being offered on the REEE region. Please see course explorer for additional classes.

*Check with Advisor or FLAS Coordinator whether the course will fulfill area studies course requirements.


