Research Interests
Human Rights; International and Comparative Law; International Criminal Law; Professional Ethics
J.D. Yale University
B.A. Tufts University
Additional Campus Affiliations
Professor, College of Law
Professor, Center for the Study of Global Gender Equity
Professor, Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies
Professor, Center for African Studies
Professor, Center for Global Studies
Recent Publications
Sadat, L. N., Keenan, P., & Sterio, M. (2024). The International Criminal Court in a Nutshell. (Nutshells). West Academic Publishing.
Keenan, P. J. (2023). The fight for humane war. Leiden Journal of International Law, 36(1), 181-201.
Keenan, P. J. (2022). The Slippery Concept of "Object and Purpose" in International Criminal Law. American University International Law Review, 37(4), 799-840.
Keenan, P. J. (2021). Doctrinal Innovation in International Criminal Law: Harms, Victims, and the Evolution of the Law. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, 42(2), 407-444.
Keenan, P. J. (2021). Drones and Civilians: Emerging Evidence of the Terrorizing Effects of the U.S. Drone Programs. Santa Clara Journal of International Law, 20(1), 1-47. Article 1.