Over 2,500 incoming students attended Liftoff 2023, and representatives from the Illinois Global Institute were there to greet them. Present were representatives from the following centers: African Studies; South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies; Latin American and Caribbean Studies; European Union; Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center; and the newest member to our unit, LAS Global Studies.
Center staff handed out candy, brochures, and course flyers. They discussed foreign language classes, certificate programs, as well as opportunities for majors and minors. They made sure to talk individually to each student who came by and made plans to follow up with those who left email addresses. One student was heard to say, “I’m so glad we came here today.” We at IGI were certainly glad to see them!
Earlier at the event at the State Farm Center, students gathered to hear from Darrell Hunter, director of first-year experience for the College of LAS, enjoy the comedy and singing of The Other Guys, and listen to both Venetria K. Patton, the Harry E. Preble Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, and entrepreneur and alumna Nikkita Randle.