Call for Proposals

University of Illinois faculty are invited to submit proposals to the Illinois Global Institute and its ten centers and programs for Summer 2020 course development grants. These grants are intended to foster improved online instruction of global themes and world areas. Funds may be used to help faculty transition currently offered courses to online formats for the next semester (as needed), as well as to sponsor the development of new online courses.

The funding can be used to hire graduate students to work on course development, as well as for other course development expenses. Courses eligible for support must have significant content engaging with the study of world regions or countries outside of the United States, world cultures and religions, or global studies, including themes such as gender or security. Courses can be in any discipline. The call for proposals prioritizes courses that will be taught in Fall 2020. The awards can provide up to $4,000 depending upon need and the availability of funds, to:

  1. Support for the purchase of course materials, photocopying, the development of web-based materials, or similar costs.
  2. Graduate assistant support. The amount of the stipend will vary based on demand, but will be sufficient to provide summer tuition and fee waivers for students in waiver-eligible programs. The covered fees would include the health service fee and partial payment of the health insurance fee. The academic department of the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the graduate assistant appointment meets the requirements of the graduate college.

Awardees will be asked to forward information including publicity materials for the courses during the summer so that the Illinois Global Institute can promote the courses. Awards will be made either by the area and global studies centers and programs or by the Global Institute depending upon their area and the availability of funding. All full-time University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign faculty are eligible to apply.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning May 11, 2020 but no later than June 1, 2020.

The application should include:

  1. Information about the course being offered, including the department, course number and title, full catalog description, and meeting time for Fall 2020.
  2. A description of the global themes or world areas relevance of the course (150 words maximum).
  3. A description of the online course development to be carried out during Summer 2020 (300 words maximum).
  4. A description of the role of the graduate assistant in developing the course (150 words maximum). 
  5. A detailed budget.
  6. One-page CV for the faculty member submitting the proposal.

Click here for the Summer 2020 Online Course Development Funds in Area and Global Studies Submission Form


The units participating in this call are the Center for African Studies, the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, the Center for Global Studies, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, the European Union Center, the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies, the Program in Arms Control & Domestic and International Security, the Program on Women and Gender in Global Perspectives, the Russian, East European and Eurasian Center, and the Illinois Global Institute

For information on funding by specific centers and programs or questions about proposal development, contact: